November 17 — Gratitude

Oh dear, it’s been a week since I’ve expressed, through writing, my gratitude. I have been grateful, at various times over the week, but I haven’t taken the time to sit and really get into that ‘place’ of gratitude. Feeling slightly overwhelmed with ‘life’ at the moment, so will now pause and take the time […]

November 17 — Annoying Comments

Many, many thank you’s to my web designer who has now installed a “spam” filter on my blog. I just went through and permanently deleted almost 150 spam comments. Maggie’s spirit will be so happy to not have to worry about reviewing comment e-mails for “her sexual performance”! Me too. Actually she probably found it all […]

November 10th — Gratitude

Today, as I travel on this path of losing my animal companion, Maggie, I’m so grateful for: 1. My colleague and friend who gave me a beautiful key chain with a silver-coloured poodle on it — “silver” was Maggie’s official colour. A keepsake I will cherish! 2. My amazing client who brought Tara a wonderful […]

November 6 — Gratitude

Can’t believe it’s been a week since I last noted my gratitudes — feels like the last week has gone by in a complete blur… Anyway, I’m grateful for: 1. The fact that Tara has gone in and out of the office four times in the last 25 minutes because it means she is here […]

October 30 — Gratitude

I am grateful for: 1. Tara’s ability to adjust and grieve the loss of her Mom and constant companion in such a healthy way. She is a role-model for me. 2. All of the warm and heart-felt wishes that keep coming in, from my e-mail announcing Maggie’s death, via phone calls and e-mails. 3. All of […]

October 27 – Gratitude

I’m really so grateful for: 1. All my dear friends and relatives who are providing so much support through these days of tough decisions and heartbreak. 2. For A’s unending support and suggestions, especially her latest one of trying sliced steak — meant Maggie and Tara ate their dinner last night which meant Maggie got […]

October 24 — Gratitude

Today I’m really grateful for: 1. All of my friends who came to visit this weekend. It’s wonderful to have such heart-felt support! To know there are people in my life who really do care about Maggie, Tara and I helps provide me with the strength to continue on this journey and to give Maggie the […]

October 23 — Gratitude

I’m finding the more challenging the day, I take the time to write my Gratitudes. There can be little doubt that taking this time to re-focus on the things I’m grateful for has a healing and re-energizing effect on me. Helps me draw on the inner and spiritual strengths I’m finding I need more and […]

October 19 — Gratitude

Am struggling today with gratitude…Maggie’s lump is getting bigger and her movement more restricted and I haven’t slept well for a few days…weeks….I do realize how important Gratitude is for Maggie, Tara and I, so here goes: 1. The sunshine and good weather so that Maggie can go outside when she wants in relative comfort […]

October 16 — Gratitude

Today I am grateful for: 1. Debbie coming to visit. Maggie and Tara get so excited to see her! 2. The beautiful walk we had in the woods. 3. Maggie’s smile as she went hunting through the long grass. 4. D’s understanding and graciousness when I cancelled our plans to visit tonight — it’s not a […]