Another Tsunami

Title It will be four weeks ago tomorrow that Tara and I said good bye to Maggie. That I lost my special “Mummy Puppy” (as I called her) and Tara lost her Mom, her constant companion and playmate. Tonight, Maggie’s ashes came home. Tonight, I’ve cried like I haven’t cried in weeks as the pain of missing her […]

November 17 — Annoying Comments

Many, many thank you’s to my web designer who has now installed a “spam” filter on my blog. I just went through and permanently deleted almost 150 spam comments. Maggie’s spirit will be so happy to not have to worry about reviewing comment e-mails for “her sexual performance”! Me too. Actually she probably found it all […]

November 11 — Annoying Comments

I have had to change the title of my post from “Remedies, Hergs, Supplements” to “Treatment Descriptions” because I’m receiving over a dozen ‘comment’ e-mails a day from companies selling and promoting their drugs. I find it rude and offensive to be reading e-mails telling me about drugs to promote my sexual performance, among other […]

November 10th — Two Weeks Tomorrow

The time goes by so quickly and the days just seem to meld into one another. It’s hard to believe that tomorrow will be two weeks when Maggie crossed over. At times I’ve felt that the pain I endured prior to Maggie’s death was so much harder than the pain I’m feeling now. And then it hits […]

How do I?

How do I lie in bed tonight and not have her beside me as I go to sleep? How do I roll over and not have her in my way? How do I open my eyes in the middle of the night and not see her sleeping beside me, not feel her touching me? How […]

Decision Time — Arrival — October 26

Made the phone call this afternoon to Dr. J’s office to book an appointment — it’s for tomorrow afternoon. Funny, still struggling with what to call it. Part of me calls it helping her to move to a better place. To a place where she’s no longer in pain and can once again move with that […]

Decision Time Fast Approaching — October 26

The time I’ve dreaded for the last two months is fast approaching. Very fast approaching. I thought we would have so much longer. It hasn’t even been two months since we got the diagnosis. Sometimes life really isn’t fair but then that’s me questioning the Universe and its wisdom, again. The last meal Maggie had […]

Life on Hold? Martyr??

A wonderful friend came to visit last night — not sure if it was more to visit Maggie or me 🙂 either way I’m so glad she did. We had a conversation that has transformed my outlook on life! For that I’m eternally grateful!! As we were sitting on the kitchen floor with Maggie (not […]

New Toys!!!! An Earth Angel

A very dear client arrived here for her appointment yesterday with two stuffed “gooses” — one for Maggie and one for Tara. They were just delighted!!!! Maggie still is! We took one goose home and after our walk this a.m. Maggie wanted to go directly into the house and went right to her goose, instead of […]

Suck it up

Suck it up. Stiff upper lip. Don’t show your emotions. I’ve heard it all. All my life. It was my motto. No more!!! I hope that you too, are able to release that motto, if it’s yours. Especially when it comes to grieving our human and animal companion losses. Are we being authentic to ourselves, to others […]