Group psychotherapy has immense power to move clients in creative and life-changing directions. In a group therapy session, clients realize they are not alone in how they feel. They can experience a level of support, caring, encouragement, and confrontation that does not occur in individual therapy. Clients become part of the bonding that occurs in a small facilitated group. The safe and caring environment provides a wonderful place to improve communication skills.
Group psychotherapy provides many benefits not experienced in individual therapy, including:
- Receiving feedback and dynamic discussion with a group of peers.
- Having an opportunity to observe and reflect on your own and other’s social skills.
- Being able to practice new social skills and apply new knowledge in the safety of the group.
- Being able to benefit through active participation and observation.
- Having an opportunity to give and receive immediate feedback about concerns, issues, and problems.
- Being able to help others work through their personal issues in a safe, supportive, and confidential environment.
Groups are limited to 6 – 8 people to allow all members time to share. Meetings take place weekly and are for 2 hours.
Dr. Poole facilitates two kinds of group sessions: General groups and Themed groups.
General groups meet for a minimum of three months to develop inter-group relationships and communication. They are not formed around a specific topic and are free flowing in nature.
Themed groups focus on a topic and are more educational in nature. They run for a specific time frame, usually 8 -10 sessions. Dr. Poole offers different themed groups at different times, such as:
- Grief or Bereavement: there are many different areas of loss, including the death of a loved one, a break up of a relationship/divorce, the loss of career/job, children leaving home, or the loss of pets.
- Women’s groups
- Stress-management groups
- Living with terminal illness
- Improving self-esteem
- Fears/phobias
Other themed groups will be held depending on client demand. Please visit our Upcoming Workshops for more information on available general and themed group sessions.