October 11 — Gratitude
As I was walking today I realized how lucky I was to have this time with Maggie and Tara. How it has changed my life in so many different ways. I decided that it’s important to record those feelings of gratitude so I’ll have something to refer back to when the waves of grief hit again and […]
New Toys!!!! An Earth Angel
A very dear client arrived here for her appointment yesterday with two stuffed “gooses” — one for Maggie and one for Tara. They were just delighted!!!! Maggie still is! We took one goose home and after our walk this a.m. Maggie wanted to go directly into the house and went right to her goose, instead of […]
Opening Up to Devine Guidance and Support
So far I have not really talked about my spirituality. I feel very connected to the spiritual realm and work with Spirit and Devine guidance in my professional practice as well as with my personal life — guess that’s a good thing for a Spiritual Psychotherapist and Spiritual Director 🙂 As with all other areas of […]
Suck it up
Suck it up. Stiff upper lip. Don’t show your emotions. I’ve heard it all. All my life. It was my motto. No more!!! I hope that you too, are able to release that motto, if it’s yours. Especially when it comes to grieving our human and animal companion losses. Are we being authentic to ourselves, to others […]
Maggie Soo’s God Mother — September 2010
Maggie Soo’s God Mother, who Maggie has the honour of being partially named after (Soo), is one of the most amazing women I have ever met. Maggie Soo loves her so much. So do I. I know our three souls have had many lifetimes together. I am honoured to have her as a friend and know that […]