Once again, I reached out for support for Maggie (and Tara and I) after we got the news of Maggie’s tumour and the diagnosis of bone cancer with it’s dreadful prognosis. The responses were overwhelming and many brought tears to my eyes — good tears — tears of love and gratitude. While in my heart of hearts I know Maggie, Tara, and I are on the right path with the decisions I have made, human support really helps to reinforce that feeling. It helps me to be stronger, stand firm, and be more present, especially when it feels like the earth is opening up and I’m disappearing.
Here’s my e-mail. Please feel free to use it, use parts of it, or whatever helps you along your journey.
Hello everyone,
First let me thank everyone who has e-mailed and asked about Maggie and/or sent helpful suggestions and wonderful thoughts and energy and support. All greatly appreciated!!
When Maggie went in for the operation 10 days ago, they found that the cruciate ligament was fine and the problem was a bone tumour. They did a biopsy. We got the results last Friday and she has osteosarcoma – an aggressive form of bone cancer. Apparently by the time it is diagnosed, it has already spread throughout their bodies. Dr. W, the surgeon, said the only treatment options, in his medical world, were amputation and chemo. I diligently researched these and other options. There were many positive things said about the medical model, and many not so positive things. I decided not to go that route. My decision was confirmed by Maggie’s regular vet, Dr. G.
Maggie is having a number of different forms of treatment including regular and amazing healing/shaman treatments by Sachi James; homeopathic/vitamin recommended by Dr. Miranda, my Naturopathic Doctor; regular chiropractic treatments by Dr. Ely; vitamins/food recommended by Heronview; light therapy recommended by Maria and Linda at TAC; Reiki and Reconnective healing by me; and of course all the love and attention I can provide. Tara does her thing which involves boisterous playing which is so wonderful to see again.
If you have any other ideas, suggestions, whatever, I’d love to hear them.
Because it is a tumour inside the bone, as it progresses, the bone becomes more fragile, so in addition to pain caused by the tumour, the bone is prone to breaking. Because of this Dr. W said no running. Yea, right! Dr. G said to let her be herself and return to our walks in the woods. Which we have done, much to Maggie AND Tara’s delight (and mine).
Right now, Maggie’s off the pain meds she was on just after the biopsy and is only having the occasional Arnica. She’s bouncing around like a puppy, terrorizing all the squirrels, chipmunks, and rabbits in our back yard and in the woods. Last night it was a skunk which really didn’t make me happy – thank God it was a general spray in the back yard and neither Tara nor Maggie got a direct hit! I had visions of “camping out” over night.
I’m going to do a blog, hopefully starting within the next week, on this whole experience to help others who are going through, have gone through, may go through, the loss of their pet. I will bring in spirituality and everything else I can to help – others as well as Maggie, Tara and myself. There is so little support out there for people and their animals. Maybe this is the higher purpose of this experience.
In closing, I would like to ask, if you have a few moments, and the inclination, to please send all the healing and love you can to Maggie, the bone, the cancer, and wherever else it would serve her highest good. The prognosis is 2-3 months, but hey miracles happen and if anyone can ‘be a miracle’ it’s my Maggie!
Here are some of the amazing, delightful, heart filling responses Maggie, Tara and I received from our friends and family — again my gratitude goes out to all who sent e-mails, called, and even visited as well as to those who kept us in your hearts and minds! I will be posted these where I can see them frequently throughout the day. Please tap into this wonderful energy, if you wish, to help you and your animal companion.
Thank You Phebe, Good for you to be on track and so universally positive despite the existential angst and low energy. Let the spirit world guide you, I know you open up to this embrace as you are beginning to use tears as a medium. I am watching the rain hit the lake in sheets at the moment– such wonder in which we live. A blessing to you and Yours Phebe– enjoy the healing as it comes into you like the rain on my lake– in sheets! Love,
Hi Phebe. How are you and how’s Maggie? Been thinking about you a lot lately. Love and Light.
Phebe! I haven’t been over to the computer very much lately and just received your message .I am so sorry to hear about Maggy but now cheered to know that she is doing so well -let this continue -there is so much that we don’t know! I work for cancer and we have a big sale of the shawls …all money goes to research. I have a friend with cancer who goes to an island just in the Leeward Islands and receives treatments there which seem to have delayed the cancer -he truly believes he will be cured -there is always hope ! My thoughts are with you. love
Hi Phebe – I received your note with the update about Maggie. I am so sorry to hear this news. Please know that I am thinking of you and of her. Peace,
Hello Phebe Jane, I am sorry I have been so busy and not kept in touch. I am sending good vibes for Maggie and know miracles can happen. I am away from the 19th to the 30th and will get in touch with you when I get back. Sending love and strength for you both. Positive thoughts. Love
My prayers and wishes are with you all. Please keep us informed as you progress.
Thank you for sharing your news. It is so sad to loose a pet and I hope sweet Maggie does not have to suffer in her last few months. I know how special your dogs are to you and we will ask the angels to send miracles your way we hold your heart in their hands.
I am so very sorry to hear about Maggie’s condition! I am sending both of you positive, healing energy. Even if she doesn’t make it through, she is being supported by all of us.
Dear Maggie: You are young, beautiful, smart and strong ! God is on your side, the pain is just temporary, I believe that you are strong to fight back the disease. We all love you, and pray for you. Please remember that God and good people are your side – you are not alone!! Love,
I am really sorry to hear about Maggie. I like her attitude and yours. It sounds as if she couldn’t have any better care or more attention.
Know that our prayers are with you and Maggie. Will send her love and light and you as well for that matter. Be well and take care. Namaste,
My thoughts are with you and Maggie.
Phebe … I am so sorry to hear about Maggie. I had no idea she was ill until I received this email. She is such a fortunate girl to have you as her mom. As you have requested, I am sending along all the healing and love possible, and may she continue to be a happy and active girl.
Ughh. Dear Phebe. My head is dizzy and my heart is at the pit of my stomach. I am sorry. Absolutely mannnnny mannnny prayers and healing and coping thoughts. Please Phebe make sure you are prepared, barring a miracle, that Maggie has enough pain medication when the time comes. My ____ just passed away…. of bone cancer, so please hear my loving words, no person or animal should have to endure the pain of bone cancer. Proper MANAGED pain medication is essential. I feel sick about Maggie and my support is here for you and Tara. with care,
Dear Phebe, As I was reading your email, I got a beautiful picture of you, Maggie and Tara walking along Pickering beach, waving furiously to me as I was coming to meet you all. I will keep that picture very close to my heart and consciously send loving, healing energy to precious Maggie. Thank you for connecting again and letting me know about this heart wrenching experience. It is heart wrenching until we can settle into our hearts and know we are doing all we can and what is our best for our beloved ones. You know they always love us to pieces no matter what!!! It sounds like you have absorbed the shock of the diagnosis, made decisions and have formulated a plan of supportive care. Most importantly Maggie is letting you know she is still full of life and able to experience it. Enjoy the beauty of her Beingness. We humans learn a lot from our animal companions about Being. Don’t you just love how they smile back at us and connect our joy circuits. I did receive a lot of compassionate help from my vet in Pickering when it was time to help … transition and she was supportive of my alternative choices as well. She was an angel when I needed her. Julienne Bien has just completed a book on light therapy for animals. I have only perused it and have just ordered a copy for myself. She has connected with a vast number of animal healers internationally. You might want to check out her website if you have not already done so…..you know you are surrounded with a group of loving souls there. I send love to you and your treasured girls. I will keep you all close to my heart and in my prayers each day. May you feel angel wings gently about you.
Phebe, Much has happened here, hope to smell the roses later in the fall! I am so sorry to hear of Maggies illness, will indeed hold her state of health in my heart, she is such a sweet girl. What you are doing and the path you have chosen for her seems right and will honour her exuberance to life. Please keep in touch when you are able. Blessings,
Phebe, I am so sorry to hear about Maggie, first I heard was through this email. I know how important our furry friends are to us – as I would also do anything for mine. I have read about Dr. Ely and understand she is a good chiropractor. We will be thinking of you, maggie and tara.
Phebe, I am so sorry….I didn’t know about Maggie. Sounds as though you are on top of this – and I know she is getting the best care possible. Big-time good karma being sent your and Maggie’s way…
I very much like the route you are taking with Maggie. Would do the same myself. Belief is such a major component of healing and even tho’ it is your pet and not you. Sending my love and joy as she plays (no worrying for her).
Hi Phebe … I’m glad Maggie is going for walks again … enjoy your time together …
Hi there Phebe, thank you for the update … you have done a tremendous job … the only thing that I would add (and that is probably not necessary) is that you just love her to bits and let go of all shadow thoughts and feelings … thank her for being part of your life and send her thoughts that she is welcome to stay or go, as she needs to. Help her celebrate her journey :o)))
I’m so sorry Phebe. I’ll continue sending healing energy. Let’s get together soon.
I am so sorry to hear about Maggie! That is really sad. I know how much she means to you. Wow, lots of change in your life right now.
So sorry to hear about Maggie’s tumour and praying that it is benign. Sending much light during this difficult wait.
So sorry to hear that. Stay positive. It may be very treatable. Will continue to send you all positive energy. Love and Light,
Sorry to hear this. How long before you will have the results of the biopsy? Love you to my dear friend. May the angels keep your gas tank full for you. My prayers will definitely include a request for extra energy to sustain you and hold you through this. I told ____ about Maggie and she asked that I tell you that she hopes that everything will be OK. Love you,
Dear Phebe, You have made some very strong decisions. I am so sorry that you are having to go through this with your beloved pet. As you say everything is for a higher purpose and so blessings will come out of it. I will include Maggie in my prayers and blessings and would love to keep up with your blog. I will also include you in my prayers, so you will have a plentifull supply of energy to feed your pup–and yourself. Please take special care of yourself.
Hi Phebe, I’m sorry to hear about Maggie’s condition but as you said, I truly believe there is a higher purpose in this experience. We can be compelled to do something for the good of many and if there is so little support out there it is needed. It might be nice to take a video of Maggie each day or week to see how she progresses from now until her next experience. It could be helpful to recognize stages? Just a thought to go along with the blog. It sounds like she is getting wonderful care and that will certainly make her transition a good one when the time comes. I can’t say that I know of another dog that has had so much loving attention. She must be an earth angel dog! Anyway, continuing to think of you, sending healing thoughts and energies….. p.s. take good care of yourself too….I’m sure with all that is being sent to Maggie….you must be getting some too. With caring thoughts,
Hello Phebe, You’re right … a blog for people and their pets is a great idea!!! _____ did as much for me as (dare I say) NLP, though all studies have their place. Miss him, and he would have been great for healing the of my two main bones in my arm a couple of years ago. It was so good to hear your update, especially about Maggie and Tara romping around, terrorizing small critters. Warms my heart that you all can return to walks. Warms my heart that shamanic healing, etc is being used — the gods are listening and watching over you. Dogs and horses know things, and Maggie will do as well as possible through these times. Warm and supportive thoughts are sent,
Hi Phebe, I am so glad you have such a powerfully positive attitude about it all. Thank God you have the Energetic and Spiritual background to help your poor Maggie cope and enjoy her life to the fullest. When our wonderful ___ ( golden female lab) was striken awhile back- she so wanted to go in the woods for a walk but was too weak. I contemplated whether to allow it as I knew the cold would be probably too much for her.. but Kristina fashioned a sled to pull her on- we covered her with blankets and she enjoyed one last time in the woods. It IS all about quality of life in MY opinion so I am glad you are allowing Maggie to ‘live it up’!!! I have been sending healing energy, positive thoughts and everything I can think of your way and her way. I wish you all the best. I love the idea that you would start something like you are planning. One of my good friends lost his dog awhile back- I believe it was some sort of Master- because he was devastated more than would normally be expected and when I tapped into the departed ‘soul’, I could feel the Power of some Master of Light- I could sense the power of that consciousness.. geesh it was stunning !! no wonder he was devastated by the loss of such consciousness in his presence! I think there is a need for this kind of support- why the heck don’t our lovely animal mates live as long as we do eh? Good luck. Hugs
Hi Phebe; I am so sorry to hear the news regarding Maggie. This is such a difficult time and with the loss of your Father you must feel overwhelmed. Anyway I apologize that I have not gotten back to you until now….Anyway I am sending white healing light to you and Maggie. Also wanted to let you know I had to put ____ down 1 month ago for chronic pancreatitis. He lived much longer than expected as well( so don’t give up!!) and _____ got home… and had 3 good months with him which we were all grateful for. I have never had a dog before and cannot believe how difficult it has been. Anyway take care of your self. Take care, Love